Resources & FAQs

Catalog Revision Process

  • Q: When may I make changes to my catalog content?

    A: The Catalog Revision Cycle occurs yearly for both the undergraduate and graduate catalogs. Catalog revision timelines are published on the Academic Planning and Program Development website.

  • Q: When is the catalog published each year?

    A: Both the undergraduate and graduate and professional catalogs are published online in early to mid-March prior to their effective fall semester. For example, the 2024-2025 catalogs are published in March, Week III, 2024.

  • Q: Who can make catalog changes?

    A: Key personnel within each university unit have been designated as catalog editors. In academic departments, the department chair is responsible for ensuring all necessary edits are made. Within each college, the associate dean is responsible for making catalog edits. In administrative units, the director, assistant/associate vice president, or the vice president are typically responsible for catalog edits.

Catalog Editing and Approval

  • Q: How do I make catalog changes?

    A: The catalog review, editing, approval, and publication processes occur within the CourseLeaf Academic Catalog Management Software. Designated catalog editors will be notified each year of the catalog revision cycle and provided with timelines and targeted instructions. Authorized users at the appointed time in the catalog page workflow can access the catalog editing software by following the link in the CourseLeaf generate email.

  • Q: Is there a preferred browser for working in the CourseLeaf Academic Catalog Management Software?

    A: While most browsers are supported by the CourseLeaf system, 腦瞳憫 recommends using Google Chrome for the best user experience.

  • Q: As a Catalog Editor (Academic unit), what should I be reviewing in my catalog content?

    Catalog editors should review the following:

    • Ensure all necessary catalog content for the 2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate & Professional Catalogs has been reviewed and edited.
    • Ensure the lists of academic programs within each department are complete and accurate.
    • Ensure all curriculum is under the appropriate header.
    • Ensure all specified Core Curriculum Courses in the Degree Specific Requirements are marked with a footnote to denote “double dipping.”
    • Ensure all approved curriculum changes are reflected in the degree plan.
    • For each undergraduate degree program, ensure changes/updates are completed to both the Course List and the Plan of Study.
    • Ensure the Course List and Plan of Study sum to the correct total semester credit hours.
    • Ensure the Grade Point Average (GPA) restriction statements are correct.
    • Ensure all dates, names, and contact information are up-to-date.
    • Ensure all narrative text is accurate, clear, and grammatically correct.
  • Q: As a catalog editor, how do I determine the catalog pages I am responsible for editing?

    A: Academic Planning and Program Development will provide a list of catalog pages to be reviewed to Academic Editors. In addition, as catalog pages are opened to Editors through the workflow process, you will receive an email notifying you of the page to be edited. Follow the link in the notification email to the page opened for editing. However, if you are unclear as to the catalog content you are responsible for editing, please contact the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development at

  • Q: As a catalog approver, how do I approve pages?

    A: As catalog pages are edited and submitted through the workflow process, you will receive an email notifying you of the page to be reviewed and approved. Follow the link in the notification email to the approval page.

  • Q: What are the workflow edit and approval steps?

    A: The following workflows are typical. Some variation may exist from unit to unit.

    Academic Units:
    Program Director/Coordinator Edits > Department Chair Edits > Advising Edits > Department Chair Approves > Associate Dean Approves > Dean Approves > Academic Planning & Program Development Finalizes > Degree Works > Catalog Published

    Administrative Units:
    Department Edits > Academic Planning & Program Development Finalizes > Catalog Published

  • Q: How do I make edits to course descriptions?

    A: Since course description content in the catalog is being populated from Banner, edits to course descriptions, including changes to prerequisites and co-requisites, are not made using the CourseLeaf Academic Catalog Management Software but instead must be submitted to the Registrars Office during the catalog review cycle (Aug. - Nov.), using the .

  • Q: How do I make edits to the faculty listing?

    A: Edits to the faculty listing cannot be made using the CourseLeaf Academic Catalog Management Software, but instead, upon the catalog publication (Mid-March), a request will be sent from the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development to the departments, prompting a review of the faculty listing, with any needed changes, additions, and/or deletions to be reported to the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development.

  • Q: How do I make edits to a catalog page that includes content on multiple tabs?

    A: A page containing multiple tabs will require each tab’s content to be edited individually. Therefore, first, click on the Blue Edit Button (top right); second, using the blue arrow blue arrow in the Edit Toolbar, scroll to the end of the Edit Toolbar (each tab will have an individual editing pencil icon: Pencil Programs; third, click on the appropriate editing pencil icon (an editing window will open)

Editing Course Lists and Plans of Study


Catalog Review/Degree Program Check List

The Catalog Review/Degree Program Check List is to be used by Catalog Editors and Catalog Approvers as a checklist to help guide the review process of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

腦瞳憫 Catalog: Review Guide and Process

The 腦瞳憫 Catalog: Review Guide is designed to assist Catalog Editors and Catalog Approvers in the Catalog Review Process and provide additional information, such as: Review CANs and CANNOTs; Review Common Errors; Headers and GPA Assistance; and Helpful Hints.

CourseLeaf CAT Training Guide

Lisa Langlais
Coordinator, 腦瞳憫 Catalog
(936) 294-2353