Curriculum Changes

The following forms are used for curriculum change requests. As these forms may be updated periodically, please access these forms through this website each time a request is made, rather than saving the forms permanently to your computer or t-drive. Curriculum change requests may require review/approval by the Department and College Curriculum Committees prior to submission to the University Curriculum.

Curriculum Changes: Course

  • Course Deletion/Change Request

    Course Deletion/Change Request form is to be used to request the deletion of, or change(s) to, an existing course. A single form should be prepared at the department level and should encompass a summary of all course changes requested. The form contains a brief justification for course deletions and changes in course prefix, title, number, and/or a combination of.

    What to expect (workflow process):


    Helpful Hints: Course Deletion/Change Request form 

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Course Description Change Request

    The  form (maintained by the Office of the Registrar) is an electronic form to be used to request changes to prerequisites, corequisites, cross-listing of courses, course restrictions, and course descriptions.

    Note: Course Description changes should be submitted during the catalog review cycle (Aug. - Nov.). In addition, prerequisites will not be added mid-catalog term (Catalog term is fall through summer).

Curriculum Changes: Course Review Process

UCC Review Period
Month: Week III

  • The Curriculum Coordinator distributes a consent agenda with all course deletions and course change requests to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) with a 3-day timeframe to review.
  • Ensure curriculum content is reviewed for quality, compliance, and adequate need.

UCC Voting and Notifications
Month: Week IV

  • Any concerns must be sent to Curriculum Coordinator by the deadline to be pulled and placed into voting ballot, otherwise the requested changes will move forward to the the Academic Affairs Counsel (AAC) / Board of Regents (BOR).
  • An electronic voting ballot is sent via Qualtrics with a given deadline, which serves as the official vote.
  • A voting summary and notification is sent with the results. Departments/Colleges will be sent a notification with the voting summary and shared document attached and given a deadline for revisions to be made and submitted to the T:Drive Curriculum folder.

AAC/Provost Notification

  • Upon University Curriculum Committee (UCC) review of the course changes and/or deletions, a UCC Action Notification is submitted to the Academic Affairs Council (AAC) and Provost (4 times a year: November/February/May/August).

Banner Implementation vs.
Catalog Degree Program

  • Upon University Curriculum Committee (UCC) approval, the requested course deletions and course changes are implemented into Banner, and become available in the Catalog for curriculum plan application the following Catalog review cycle (UCC approval: June/July/September/October/November 2023 = 2024-2025 Catalog and January/February/March/April/May 2024 = 2025-2026 Catalog).

Curriculum Changes: Certifications; Minors; 4+1/3+2 Degree Programs; Double Major Degree Programs; Concentrations/Tracks

The following curriculum changes do not require University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Academic Affairs Council (AAC) review or approval, but instead are reviewed and approved at the Provost’s level.

Curriculum Changes: Certifications; Minors; 4+1/3+2 Degree Programs; Concentrations/Tracks Review Process

Curriculum Change Request Submission

  • Upon Department and College Curriculum Committee reivew/approval, if applicable, the Associate Dean (UCC Representative) or Academic Dean submits the Curriculum Change Request form (Certification, Minor, 4+1/3+2 Degree Program, Concentration/Track ) to the T-Drive Curriculum folder, at one of the curriculum entry points (Month 1st).

APPD Review

  • The change request form (Certification, Minor, Concentration/Track, and/or 4+1/3+2) is reviewed by Academic Planning and Program Development (APPD) for quality, compliance, and justification of need.

Provost Review and Approval

  • Upon completion of Academic Planning and Program Development review, the Certification, Minor, Concentration/Track, and/or 4+1/3+2 change request proceeds to the Provost for review/approval

Catalog Implementation

  • Upon Provost's approval
    • The the Certification, Minor, Concentration/Track, and/or 4+1/3+2 change request is implemented the month of submission at the Catalog level with an "as of the following term" specification, if applicable.

Curriculum Changes: Degree Programs (CIP Code, Designator, Title, SCH) and Administrative

The following curriculum changes do not require University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Academic Affairs Council (AAC) review or approval, but instead are reviewed and approved at the Provost’s level, by the Board of Regents (BOR), and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).

  • Degree Program Change Request

    Degree Program Change Request form is to be used to request a change to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code of an existing degree program, meaning the degree program must already be on ¸£Àû¼§'s program inventory. 

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Degree Program CIP Code Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Degree Program Designation Change

    A Degree Program Designation Change form is to be used to request a change to the degree program designator (BA, BS, MA, MS) of an existing degree program, meaning the degree program must already be on ¸£Àû¼§'s program inventory.

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Degree Program Designation Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Degree Program Semester Credit Hour (SCH) Change Request

    Degree Program Semester Credit Hour (SCH) Change Request form is to be used to request an increase or decrease in total semester credit hours of an existing degree program, meaning the degree program must already be on ¸£Àû¼§'s program inventory. 

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Degree Program Semester Credit Hour (SCH) Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Degree Program Deletion Request

    A Degree Program Deletion Request form is to be used to request a deletion of an existing degree program, meaning the degree program must already be on ¸£Àû¼§'s program inventory.

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Degree Program Deletion Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Administrative Unit Change

    An Administrative Unit Change Request form is to be used to request a change to an academic administrative unit. Administrative changes include the creation of new administrative units - colleges, schools, divisions, departments - as well as changes to existing administrative units, such as a name change or consolidation of existing units.

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, President, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Administrative Unit Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Program Modality Addition or Change Request

    The Program Modality Addition or Change Request form is to be used for new programs that are to be delivered electronic-to-individuals (i.e., online) or electronic-to-groups, or for changing or adding a modality to an existing program.

    Attention: The form must accompany a degree program or certificate proposal, which seeks an online modality designation.

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (approval process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both ¸£Àû¼§ and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Program Modality Addition or Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

Curriculum Changes: Degree Programs (CIP Code, Designator, Title, SCH) and Administrative Review Process

Curriculum Change Request Submission

  • Upon Department and College Curriculum Committee reivew/approval, if applicable, the Associate Dean (UCC Representative) or Academic Dean submits the appropriate degree program1 and/or administrative change2 request form and accompanying Board Motion to the T-Drive: Curriculum folder at one of the curriculum entry points (Month 1st).

1Degree Program Change Requests: Title, Designator,CIP Code, Semester Credit Hour, and relocation.
2Administrative Unit Change Requests: Creation/Deletion of, Reorganization of, Name Change of Department and/or College.

APPD Review

  • The change request Form/Board Motion are reviewed by Academic Planning and Program Development (APPD) for quality, compliance, and justification of need.

Provost/BOR/THECB Review and Approval

  • Upon completion of APPD review, the requested degree program/administrative change request proceeds to the Provost for review/approval.
  • Upon Provost's approval, the requested degree program/administrative change request proceeds to the next available Board of Regents (BOR) meeting3 for review/approval.
  • Upon BOR's approval, the requested degree program/administrative change request proceeds to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) for review/approval.

3BOR meetings are four times a year (November, February, May, August).

Catalog Implementation

  • Upon THECB's approval:
    • The degree program and/or administrative unit change is implemented at the Catalog level as of the stated THECB implementation term.