Program Development Overview

The is your point-of-contact for all new program development. This includes new academic programs (bachelors, masters, and doctoral level) as well as new certificates and minors.

The first step for all program development services is through the .

New Degree Program Development Process

The process for new academic programs can be found below. Please note that the first step in initiating this process is via the .

Stage I
Program Analytics Request

  • Initiator submits a request for a new degree program via
    • Process focuses on: gathering admin information, screening for CIP codes, related industries, target occupations, and any other data unique to the proposed program
  • Analytics Team collects preliminary research/data to assess the general workforce demand and competitive landscape.

Stage I
Orientation and Data Summary

  • An orientation is held with the program initiator(s) and the Program Development and Program Analytics teams to explain and answer questions about the 2-Stage program development process, to collect any additional context behind the proposed program, and to clarify any necessary information
    • If, after the preliminary research and orientation meeting, the data show lack of analytic support, a Preliminary Data Summary may be developed to help initiators decide whether or not to continue with Stage I of the proposal.

Stage I
Program Analytics Report

  • Analytics Team completes the Program Analytics Report1. Program Development will deliver the report along with the prepopulated program proposal form and schedule a required analytics debrief meeting with initiator(s) and Analytics Team to discuss the data findings.
  • Initiator uses the Program Analytics Report, along with any other information or research collected by the initiator(s), to complete the Stage I: Needs and Financial Analysis proposal.

Stage I
Needs and Finance Analysis

  • Initiator completes Stage I: Needs & Finance Analysis proposal sections and appendices 1 , 2, 3 (if applicable) and 4 and submits draft to Program Development via email2.
  • Program Development contacts the Financial Planning and Budget team with the program proposal to request a Stage I Financial Analysis.
  • Program Development coordinates a Stage I: Financial Analysis initial (prelim) meeting including Program Analytics, Financial Planning and Budget, program initiator(s), and respective Academic Dean and Dept. Head.
  • All additional Stage I information/clarification is gathered in the initial meeting and Finance Planning and Budget team begins completing the Financial Analysis required for Stage I.
  • Upon delivery of the Financial Analysis, Program Development coordinates a debrief meeting where Financial Planning and Budget team presents the findings.

Stage II
Content & Quality

  • Initiator completes the Stage II: Content & Quality proposal, with any support as needed from Program Development, and acquires all approval signatures.
  • Associate Dean (UCC Representative) submits the completed Stage II: Content & Quality proposal for UCC review through the T:Drive folder: Curriculum at one of the curriculum entry points (Month 1)
  • The Program Development reviews submission to ensure all sections in Stage II: Content & Quality proposal are complete and the latest proposal has been submitted.
  • The Program Development process is complete, and the proposal now goes through University Curriculum Commiittee review processes, followed by Academic Affairs Council, Board of Regents, and The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

1Program Analytics Report data expires one year from delivery. Please, plan accordingly to ensure each stage is completed in a timely manner. If the new program development process takes longer than one year, a new Program Analytics Report must be completed, and Stage I: Needs & Finance Analysis must be refreshed and resubmitted, causing significant delays in the process

2Once initiator has submitted the Stage I: Needs and Finance Analysis draft to Program Development, the initiator is encouraged to start working on Stage II: Content & Quality.

For more information, contact

New Certificate or Minor Development Process

The process for the new Certificate or Minor development can be found below. Please note that the first step in initiating this process is via the .

Program Analytics Request Form

  • Initiator submits a request for a new minor or certificate via
  • The process focuses on: gathering admin information needed for the curriculum proposal form, screening for CIP codes, existing curriculum, and target occupations.

Curr Form and Data Summary1

  • Analysis Team uses the admin and screening information from the Program Analytics Request Form to:
    • Pre-populate the curriculum proposal form and define necessary sections2
    • Create a unique Data/Program Analysis Summary to support the demand of the certificate/minor


  • Analysis Team provides the pre-populated curriculum proposal form and Data/Program Analysis Summary to initiator who completes the form as indicated
    • A debrief meeting on the data is offered (but not mandatory). Meeting is coordinated by Program Development, if applicable
    • Program Development provides support as needed until curriculum form is complete

Review and Approvals

  • If there is already a companion minor program to a proposed certificate, or vice versa, then the program is exempt from University Curriculum Committee (UCC) review
    • New minors, regardless of UCC exemption, require only Academic Affairs Council (AAC)/Provost notification and are added to the catalog the month following the curriculum entry point submission (Ex: UCC Submission: January = Catalog addition = February).
    • New Certificates, regardless of UCC exemption, require AAC/Provost and Board of Regents (BOR) approval and are added to the catalog per term requested. APPD uses Administrative and sections I and II of the curriculum form to complete the Board Motion

1The pre-populated curriculum proposal form and data summary are delivered in about 3 business days after the Analysis Request is submitted. Depending on Analysis Team workload, the deliverables could be finished as quickly as same business day or as long as 5 business days.

2Faculty/Initiators are responsible for sections I, II, and III as well as Department Chair, Department/College Curriculum Committee Chairs, and Academic Dean review/approval signatures in the curriculum proposal form. The Program Analytics team is responsible for Administrative Information", excluding field #6 on the Certificate proposal, as well as any applicable directional comments.

APPD = Academic Planning and Program Development

For more information, contact