New Curriculum

The following forms are used for new curriculum requests.  As these forms may be updated periodically, please, access these forms through this website each time a request is made, rather than saving the forms permanently to your computer or T-drive. New curriculum requests require review/approval by the Department and College Curriculum Committees prior to submission to the University Curriculum.  Note: The first step for all program development services (minors, certificates, degree programs) is through the form.

  • New Course Addition Request

    New Course Addition Request form is to be used to support each request for a new course. The form must be completed in its entirety. An incomplete form will not be eligible for review and will be returned to the department/college for resubmission.

    What to expect (workflow process):


    Helpful Hints: New Course Addition Request form

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • New Core Course Addition Request

    The Core Curriculum Proposal form is to be used to request changes in the baccalaureate core. 

    Note: The deadline for submission of Core Curriculum Proposals to the University Curriculum Committee is October 1st for consideration in the following year's catalog. In order to maintain this deadline, the preferred date to submit completed proposals to is no later than August 1st. 

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, Assessment, UCC, AAC & Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: New Core Course Addition Request form (forthcoming)

  • New Minor Request

    The New Minor Request form is to be used to propose an undergraduate minor (Note: All course curriculum must be part of the THECB approved 腦瞳憫 course inventory prior to an approved minor being added to the catalog or Degree Works).

    Note: Before starting this form, please submit a  form to begin the New Minor Development process.

    What to expect (workflow process):


    Helpful Hints: New Minor Request form 

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • New Certificate Program

    The New Certificate Program form is to be used to propose an undergraduate or graduate certificate. (All courses associated with the certificate must either already be in 腦瞳憫's course inventory or have been submitted to the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development and are going through the curriculum approval process simultaneously with the proposed certificate.)

    Note: Before starting this form, please submit a  form to begin the New Certificate Development process.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, UCC, AAC & Provost, BOR, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: New Certificate Program Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • New Micro-Certificate Program

    The New Micro-Certificate Program form is to be used to propose an undergraduate or graduate micro-certificate. (All courses associated with the certificate must either already be in 腦瞳憫's course inventory or have been submitted to the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development and are going through the curriculum approval process simultaneously with the proposed certificate.)

    Note: If optional analytical support regarding justification is needed, please submit a  form to begin the New Micro-Certificate Development process.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, and Catalog

    Helpful Hints: New Micro-Certificate Program Request form

    Download a printable Review Process PDF

  • New Embedded Associate Degree

    The New Embedded Associate Degree proposal is to be used to propose a new embedded associate degree program within an existing baccalaureate degree program (for stop-out purposes only). 

    Note: The minimum number of semester credit hours (SCH) for an embedded associate degree is 60 SCH plus 42 SCH of Core Curriculum.

    What to expect (workflow process):


    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission

    BOR Meeting









  • New Degree Program Request (Estimated cost less than $2 million)

    The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Needs & Financial Analysis form is to be used to propose a new bachelor or master's degree program that is not 1) in Engineering and/or 2) does not have an estimated cost of more than $2 million in the first five years of operation. The New Degree Program: Stage I Needs & Financial Analysis proposal form is the first stage in a two-stage---I Needs & Financial Analysis; and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage. 

    Note: Before starting this form, please submit a  form to begin the New Program Development process. 

    The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage II Content and Quality form is to be used to propose a new bachelor or master's degree program that is not 1) in Engineering and/or 2) does not have an estimated cost of more than $2 million in the first five years of operation. The New Degree Program: Stage II Content and Quality proposal form is the second stage in a two-stage---I Need & Financial Analysis; and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage. 

    Note: Before submitting this form to Program Development, both a New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis must have completed the review/approval process with all required signatures.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, UCC, AAC & Provost, President, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: New Degree Program Proposal form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • New Degree Program (Expanded) Request (Estimated cost more than $2 million)

    The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis form is to be used to propose a new bachelor or master's degree program that is 1) in Engineering; 2) does have an estimated cost of more than $2 million in the first five years of operation; and/or 3) that does not meet the certification requirements set forth in . The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis form is the first stage in a two-stage---I Need and Financial Analysis; and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage.

    Note: Before submitting this form to Program Development, a New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis form must have completed the review/approval process with all required signatures.

    The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage II Quality and Content form is to be used to propose a new bachelor or master's degree program that is 1) in Engineering; 2) does have an estimated cost of more than $2 million in the first five years of operation; and/or 3) that does not meet the certification requirements set forth in Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Chapter 5, Subchapter C, Section 5.44 (a) (3). The New Degree Program Proposal: Stage II Quality and Content form is the second stage in a two-stage---I Need and Financial Analysis and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage.

    Note: Before submitting this form to Program Development, a New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis form must have completed the review/approval process with all required signatures.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, UCC, AAC & Provost, President, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: New Degree Program Proposal form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • New Doctoral Degree Program Request

    The New Doctoral Degree Program Proposal form is to be used to propose a new Doctoral or Professional degree program. The THECB requires planning notification to be submitted one year prior to full proposal submission for all doctoral and professional programs. Therefore, please, ensure that the

    Office of Academic Planning and Program Development has been notified of intent to propose a new doctoral degree program. 

    The New Doctoral Degree Program: Stage I Needs & Financial Analysis proposal form is the first stage in a two-stage---I Needs & Financial Analysis; and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage. 

    Note: Before starting this form, please submit a  form to begin the New Doctoral Program Development process. 

    The New Doctoral Degree Program Proposal: Stage II Content and Quality proposal form is the second stage in a two-stage---I Need & Financial Analysis; and II Content and Quality---review/approval process with the appropriate workflows designated between each stage. 

    Note: Before submitting this form to Program Development, both a New Degree Program Proposal: Stage I Need and Financial Analysis must have completed the review/approval process with all required signatures.

    THECB Doctoral & Professional Program Approval Timeline Guidance

    The THECB approval process for new doctoral programs has several stages, including internal staff review at the Coordinating Board, a desk review from an external expert reviewer, a virtual site visit from external expert reviewers, site visit reports and responses, and final approval from the Committee on Academic and Workforce Success (CAWS) and the full Board. The entire process can take up to 20 months at the very least from the time the Coordinating Board receives an institution’s planning notification. Once the full proposal is received at least one year after the planning notification, the approval process takes from 6-9 months. Please keep in mind that accrediting agencies may set earlier deadlines for full Coordinating Board approval of new doctoral programs. All degree program requests submitted are required, by statute, to be approved or denied within 1 year of being deemed administratively complete.

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August
  • New/Certification Change Request

    The Certification Change Request form is to be used to request a) the addition of a new Certification; b) the deletion of an existing Certification; c) a Certification title change; d) a Certification semester credit hour change; and/or e) a Certification relocation.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, and Catalog

    Helpful Hints: Certification Change Request form 

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

  • Program Modality New/Change Request

    The Program Modality Addition or Change Request form is to be used for new programs that are to be delivered electronic-to-individuals (i.e., online) or electronic-to-groups, or for changing or adding a modality to an existing program.

    Attention: The form must accompany a degree program or certificate proposal, which seeks an online modality designation.

    Note: This request also requires the submission of a Board Motion, upon request.

    What to expect (workflow process):

    Initiator, Chair, DCC & CCC, APPD, Provost, BOR, THECB, and Catalog

    When to submit:

    Curriculum forms, both 腦瞳憫 and THECB, (electronic) may be submitted by the Academic Dean or Associate Dean (University Curriculum Committee Representative) to the Curriculum folder on the T-drive by the 1st day of the following months:

    UCC Submission BOR Meeting
    May/June/July November
    September/October February
    November/January/February May
    March/April August

    Helpful Hints: Program Modality New/Change Request form (forthcoming)

    Download a printable Review Process pdf.

New Curriculum Review Process

UCC Review Period

  • The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) reviews all submitted new curriculum requests, excluding Micro-Certificates and Certifications1, for curriculum quality, compliance, and adequate need.
  • See University Curriculum Committee Role document for detail.
  • All requested revisions, comments, and/or concerns must be entered into the shared document for all members to access by set deadline.

  • 1Micro-Certificates and Certifications are reviewed internally by the Office of Academic Planning and Program Development.

UCC Voting and Notifications

  • An electronic voting ballot is sent via Qualtrics with a given deadline, this serves as the official vote.
  • A voting summary and notification is sent with the results. Departments/Colleges are sent a notification with the voting summary and shared document attached, and a given a deadline for revisions to be made and submitted to the T:Drive Curriculum folder.

AAC/BOR Review and Approval
Degree Programs Only

  • Upon UCC approval, a degree program request proceeds to the next Academic Affairs Council (AAC) meeting2 for review and approval.
  • Upon AAC/Provost approval, the requested degree program proceeds to the Board of Regents (BOR) meeting for final approval.
  • Upon UCC approval, a certificate request proceeds directly to the next available Board of Regents (BOR) meeting for final approval.
  • Upon UCC approval, a course addition or minor, does not go before the BOR but instead is implemented at the Catalog level.

  • 2AAC Meetings are four times a year in coordination with BOR meetings.

Banner Implementation
Catalog Degree Program

  • Upon BOR approval:
    • A New Degree Program is submitted to the THECB for consideration and undergos a 30-day comment period prior to THECB review. Upon THECB approval, a New Degree Program3 is added to the Catalog as of the next academic term.
    • A New Certificate is added to the Catalog as of the next academic term following the BOR meeting
  • Upon UCC approval:
    • A New Course Addition is added to the course inventory in Banner and available to be taught as an elective. A new course cannot be used as a required course in a curriculum plan in the Catalog until the following Catalog Review cycle.
    • A New Minor is added to Degree Works and implemented at the Catalog level the month following the curriculum entry point submission (Ex: Submitted September 1st = Catalog addition = October 1st).
  • Upon APPD approval:
    • A New Micro-Certificate or Certification is added to Degree Works and implemented at the Catalog level the month following the curriculum entry point submission (Ex: Submitted September 1st = Catalog addition = October 1st).

    3Changes to degree programs in the Catalog are restricted to once a year.